
An organized and tidy home

Happy with your home again

Your home is a place to live, relax and enjoy. Your home is also a place with stuff. And when you have too much stuff, your home can feel cluttered, uncomfortable and restless. Are you tired of the chaos of a (too) full house? Are you sometimes embarrassed when people drop in unexpectedly? Let me help you to tidy and bring structure/overview into your house. And make your house a home again.

Please raise your hand if

  • You want to tidy up and don’t know how, where and when to start
  • This is your umpteenth attempt at tidying up, and this time you want results
  • You have lost the motivation to start again
  • You don’t know where to put your things because your closets are already full
  • You are constantly searching for things and it costs you a lot of valuable time and energy
  • You just don’t get around to tackling that one room or space
  • You are ashamed of your messy home, and would rather not receive unexpected visitors
  • You miss atmosphere and coziness in your home
  • You are ready for a simple, practical tidying method that really works

Do you recognize one or more of the above, but don’t know how to go about it? Then please read on…

    Do you also long for:

    • Coming home to a tidy house?
    • Space in your closets or rooms?
    • All your stuff in a permanent and logical place?
    • Not having to search for your things anymore?
    • Being able to receive (unexpected) guests in a relaxed way?
    • More overview and structure in your home?
    • Having time and energy to spare?
    • More peace in your head, peace in your life?

    Are you nodding ‘yes’ to one or more of the above, but don’t know how to go about it? Then please read on….

    I can help you!

    KBM Organizing offers support and guidance for your tidying questions and needs. With a simple and practical tidying method, tips and advice, we’ll  get down to work together. Don’t worry, you decide what you want to keep and where. I help you make choices and show you how to tidy and store quickly and effectively. And, of course, how you can easily keep track of this.


    KBM Organizing helps with:

    • Tidying and organizing belongings, books, clothes, closet(s), etc.
    • Tidying and organizing room(s), such as kitchen, living room, bedroom, study, attic, hallway, etc.
    • Tidying and organizing a (home) workspace, desk, office, etc.
    • Setting up and organizing your mailbox, documents/files on your computer, etc.
    • De-cluttering

    A tidy and organized home provides:

    • More space
    • More overview and structure
    • Stuff has a logical and fixed place in the house
    • No more searching for things
    • More rest and relaxation
    • A cozy and welcoming atmosphere
    • More time and energy

    If you want to make use of my services, you can email, call or WhatsApp me. Or just fill out the contact form below. I will contact you as soon as possible.

    Do you also want a tidy house, an organized administration or a stress-free move? Take the first step today. Request a free consultation!

    Eveline came to help me organise my kitchen. With two little ones, one still in nappies but running around, there seemed to be no end to tidying up and no time to really organise. With her guidance and tips, I now have tools to organise. Her system makes it easy to make adjustments and there is no need to set aside whole days for organising. Cleaning up according to her method can also be done very well piece by piece and in a busy family, that is exactly what helps. I will come back to Eveline for help when I could use another push. Thank you so much Eveline, your pleasant, calm and cheerful personality and the fact that you are absolutely not judgmental, it is still exciting to organise your disorganised mess with someone, make you a very nice household coach. For anyone reading this, you can rely on Eveline and she really helps you with clear advice. Highly recommended!


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