
An organized administration

Finally your administration in order

An administration that is up-to-date and in which everything is easy to find provides overview, control and peace of mind. Piles of (unopened) mail, advertisements, a continuous stream of letters and e-mails can cause anxiety and stress. Do you sometimes have the feeling of not being on top of things? Let me help you bring order in the chaos. And peace of mind.

Please raise your hand if

  • The piles of (unopened) letters keep growing
  • You do not know where to put all your papers
  • You do not know which papers you should and should not keep
  • You spend valuable time searching and  forget to pay bills
  • Your folders are bulging and your closet is full
  • The emails with attachments keep coming in and you don’t know whether to print them out or where to store them
  • You are reluctant to get started – administration is not your favorite job
  • You just can’t manage to set up a clear and well-organized administration

Do you recognize one or more of the above, but don’t know how to go about it? Then please read on…

Do you also long for:

  • An organized administration (archive), physical or digital, where everything is logically organized and together?
  • Finding your papers/files super-fast?
  • Overview and better insight into your finances?
  • Being in charge of your papers and documents, and not the other way around
  • Peace in your mind, peace in your life?
  • A simple and quick method to keep track of your administration?

Are you nodding ‘yes’ to one or more of the above, but don’t know how to go about it? Then please read on….

I can help you!

KBM Organizing helps you set up and logically organize your administration. Whether this concerns paper or digital files. With a simple and practical method, tips and advice, we get down to work together . I teach you to sort, clean up and put away the flow of papers and e-mails. In a way that suits you best and is easy to maintain.


KBM Organizing helps with:

  • Setting up an organized (physical or digital) administration
  • Understanding which papers/documents you need to keep and for how long
  • How to sort, clean up and store logically
  • Keeping your administration up to date
  • Clearing the backlog of administration
  • Setting up a workplace for your administration

An organized administration provides:

  • Overview, because everything is logically organized together
  • Control, papers/files are easy to find
  • Insight and overview of your finances
  • A lot of extra time
  • Less stress and more peace of mind!

If you want to make use of my services, you can email, call or WhatsApp me. Or just fill out the contact form below. I will contact you as soon as possible.

Do you also want a tidy house, an organized administration or a stress-free move? Take the first step today. Request a free consultation!

Wil jij ook een opgeruimd huis, een overzichtelijke administratie of een stressloze verhuizing?

Zet vandaag nog die eerste stap. Vraag een gratis opruimgesprek aan!

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